The CQI is the professional body for experts in improving product, project and service quality. The association aims to support organisational excellence by setting professional standards for quality management. It says it’s the only body which offers Chartered Quality Professional status, which can be highly valued by employers.

There are currently 18,000 CQI members globally working as quality management practitioners. Membership also extends to systems audit professionals through the body’s International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) certification.

Benefits for members can include:

  • Recognition through letters after their name and logos
  • Access to resources such as newsletters, research, reports and an eLibrary
  • Careers support and a mentoring programme
  • Networking, including in branches and special interest groups

The organisation offers membership grades suitable for associate auditors, internal auditors, auditors, lead auditors and principal auditors. Each level has different requirements, access to benefits, and fees.

The CQI and IRCA runs certification schemes covering a range of ISO standards. Applicants must have taken an approved auditing course related to the standard for which they are applying.

Bywater can help individuals achieve that goal as we are an approved training provider for the CQI and IRCA. We offer certified courses that include:

You can find full details of membership and certification of CQI and IRCA on their website.