Learn about the requirements of ISO 17025, together with implementation skills such as conducting a gap analysis, creating high-level process maps, performing risk analysis and implementation planning, on this ISO 17025 Implementation training course.

This 2-day course includes interactive workshops and modules covering topics such as ‘quality and laboratory accreditation’, ‘ISO 17025 requirements’ and ‘corrective actions’.

On completion of this course delegates will be ready to plan and carry out an implementation of ISO 17025 within a laboratory setting, in order to achieve or maintain ISO 17025 accreditation.

This 2-day training course is suitable for anyone wishing to implement a quality management system (QMS) based on ISO 17025.

The course will also benefit those in charge of the maintenance of an ISO 17025 QMS wanting to develop their understanding of what is required.

Topics covered by this course include:

  • overview and requirements of ISO 17025
  • exploring the connections and similarities between ISO 17025 and other standards such as ISO 9001
  • the difference between certification and accreditation, including analysis of the benefits and considerations of these options
  • how to achieve accreditation to ISO 17025
  • the role of the National Accreditation Body and its assessment process (ISO 17011)
  • performing a gap analysis as a base-line review
  • high-level process map (outline laboratory processes and their interrelationships)
  • understanding risks and opportunities and what they mean to the organisation
  • developing an implementation plan
  • effective maintenance of an accredited ISO 17025 management system
  • change management within an accredited ISO 17025 management system

Delegates who attend this ISO 17025 implementation training course will be able to understand:

  • the key clauses of ISO 17025
  • the laboratory accreditation process, including the benefits and possible considerations
  • how to develop a plan for implementing ISO 17025
  • what is required for the maintenance of an ISO 17025 quality management system

A certificate of completion will be awarded to delegates after the course, which evidences their new knowledge and aptitude for implementing ISO 17025.

Implementing ISO IEC 17025 Certificate