14 Sep, 2016 | ISO 9001

With the FDIS 9001:2015 now released and the final standard due for release next month, now is the time to start thinking about how you and your team comply with the changes to ISO 9001 and fully understand the implications that these changes will have for businesses and auditors alike.

Below is a taster of some of the key changes from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015 so you can begin to prepare yourself to audit against the new requirements:

ISO 9001 2015 highlight of changes from Bywater Training

From September 2015, all of BywaterExcel’s ISO 9001 auditor training courses will be based upon ISO 9001:2015 and will fully reflect the latest changes to this international quality standard.

Our ISO 9001:2015 training courses include:

ISO 9001:2015 Transition Auditor

Learn about the changes to ISO 9001 including Annex SL with this IRCA certified* auditor transition course, for existing internal and lead auditors.

*This course has been developed in line with IRCA Transition Auditor course guidelines and is being submitted for approval in the coming weeks. It will only be presented as an IRCA certified course.

ISO 9001 QMS Auditor/Lead Auditor

Learn to plan, prepare, conduct, report and lead a 1st, 2nd and 3rd party audits against the requirements of ISO 9001 with this IRCA certified ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor training course

ISO 9001 Internal QMS Auditor

Learn to plan, prepare, perform and report an internal audit based on the very latest requirements of ISO 9001:2015 with our IRCA certified ISO 9001 internal auditor course

Introduction to ISO 9001:2015

For those new to ISO 9001, learn about the very latest concepts and principles of quality management, the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and explore how this international standard can benefit your organization with this one day introduction course.

View all our ISO 9001:2015 Training Courses .