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  1. Click on your name to view your LinkedIn profile
  2. Scroll down to 'Licenses & certifications' and click the add '+' button on the right (on the mobile app click the pencil icon and then the '+' symbol)
  3. Enter the name of your certificate, for example, ISO 9001 Lead Auditor. Under Issue Organisation, type and then select 'Bywater'. Enter the date and credential ID where relevant.
  4. Click 'Save'.

As LinkedIn no longer shares changes to licenses and certificates with your network we recommend that you also post a status about your achievement. Within the post you may wish to include details such as what you enjoyed the most about the course, what you learned and how the course will benefit you in the future. You may also wish to include a photo of your certificate.

To tag Bywater, simply type @Bywater within the post.

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