All of our training courses can be provided on an in-company basis, exclusively for your organisation.

In-company training can be a real benefit if you have a number of people to train, are looking for a tailored course, or wish to choose a training date and location that suits you.

We have delivered in-company training to organisations from many areas of industry and commerce, including manufacturing, retail, transport, government agencies, police forces, local authorities, energy, health, engineering, pharma, construction, and research.

In-company training course can take place on your chosen date, at one of our training venues, on your premises or a venue of your choice, or online through our Virtual Classroom training platform.

Choose one of our training venues to benefit from an established learning environment away from day-to-day distractions, complete with refreshments and the option for overnight stays where applicable.

If you prefer to choose your own location or hold the training on your premises, we can advise on the space, furniture and equipment that will be needed for a smooth delivery of the course.

Our popular Virtual Classroom can be delivered on your preferred online platform, including Zoom and Microsoft Teams, enabling delegates to join live training from various locations without the time and expense of travel.

Each delegate will receive a course training book, providing space to make their own notes. They will be able to use this as a reference after attending the course.

And everyone who completes the course will receive a certificate of attendance, which they can use to demonstrate their newly acquired knowledge and skills.

Our in-company training courses focus entirely on your learning objectives to give you the most useful training experience. Courses can be tailored to hold conversations around company-specific issues, and incorporate your own documentation and procedures within the training materials. Alternatively we can create a bespoke course to meet your requirements.

We can provided tailored solutions for a single training course right up to a continuing programme of managed courses. We will work with you to design training programmes that meet your defined objectives, are applicable to your business, take into account the training needs of the delegates, and incorporate a variety of learning methods. We will continually review the programme to ensure you are receiving maximum value for your investment.

Our independence from certification bodies allows us to provide advice and guidance without breaching ISO 17021 guidelines and without fear of compromising the certification process. 

    Request a free quotation

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

    Company name

    Anticipated location (town or Virtual Classroom)

    Your name *

    Your email address *

    Your telephone number *

    Training course that you are interested in *

    Number of delegates to attend (approximate)

    When would you like the training to take place?

    Your message (preferred training date or specific requirements)