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Blog & Archive Items In "ISO 27001"

Is Your Customer Data at Risk from Suppliers and Partners

2 May, 2018 | ISO 27001

The Facebook and Cambridge Analytica debacle has shown how suppliers and partners can so easily put customer data at risk and has highlighted the need for organisations to urgently review their partner and supplier data practices.

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Moving Forward with Cyber Security and Privacy

12 Jul, 2017 | ISO 27001

Information technology drives business efficiency and productivity, and the digital economy is thriving as growing numbers of organisations are benefiting from the opportunities the Internet brings. However, cyber crime is increasingly easy to perpetrate, and the threats the modern organisation faces are intensifying.

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Information Security is more than Cyber Security

13 Jun, 2017 | Auditing, ISO 27001, ISO 9001

Following on from my colleague, David Cole’s, article on information security news stories on this topic keep coming and the breadth of scope of application grows with every headline. There was the ransomware story that was lead item on news bulletins for days and lately it transpires another headliner, BA’s Disaster Recovery story, also appears to have roots in data corruption.

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Ransomware, Quality and CPD

22 May, 2017 | Auditing, ISO 27001, ISO 9001

It is not for me to heap further woes on the NHS and recent news has to be taken in the context of the immense size and complexity of that organisation. The WannaCry attack has hit around  200,000 computers globally and covered organisations as diverse as Renault / Nissan and Deutsche Bahn, companies under a lot less scrutiny for how they spend their money than our National Health Service provider.

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